Pursuing the Formula for Success

New Earth Vibrational Therapy
Posted by Steve McClain on August 16, 2020

I want to invite you to check out the 2nd true episode of the Knowledge Action Success podcast and the 1st in the What's Your Formula series. This one is a great start, hopefully, introducing many of you to an alternative health care solution that is truly amazing and arguably older than our current popular allopathic health care options. Join me and Andrew Weaver as we discuss his formula for success with Vibrational Therapy. His story, along with his partner and wife, Bobbi Jo, is really scientifically interesting and compelling. Lot's of lessons to pick up from Andrew's story and an alternative health care service to reset your cells into remembering how to heal and vibrate at the correct frequency again. Use the link to hit the KAS podcast website or look it up on iTunes, Spotify, Google Podcasts, iHeartRadio and more. I would love your listen, I would love your feedback, and I would love a positive review. I need those to get into the rankings and keep moving forward and delivering you powerful content to help you gain Knowledge, take Action and make Success happen and, of course, discover and develop your Formula for Success. Thanks for listening and thanks, Andrew for a great interview. Stay safe and make it happen. Much appreciated, Steve.🤘😎🤟

Find The New Earth Healing Center here - http://newearthhealingcenter.com #KnowledgeActionSuccess #TheNewEarthHealingCenter #AndrewWeaver #WhatsYourFormula

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